Dena Geiger, NP, has been a Family Nurse Practitioner in active practice since 2013 and a practicing Registered Nurse since 1995. Dena Geiger, NP, furthered her nursing career in 2007 with a certificate in functional nutrition, as she believes health and wellness begin here. In 2013, Dena Geiger, NP, completed her Master’s degree from Frontier Nursing University as a Family Nurse Practitioner. Dena Geiger, NP, has completed all courses in functional medicine training at Institute for Functional Medicine and will hold certification from Functional Medicine University in the fall of 2022. A faculty member of Montana State University College of Nursing, Dena Geiger, NP, enjoys teaching her craft of health and wellness. Dena Geiger, NP, is also a North American Menopause Society member. Dena Geiger, NP, is well versed in several hormone replacement modalities for women and men, including pellet therapy.
Glacier Women’s Health and Wellness Clinic is her privately owned and operated wellness clinic where she provides individualized care to women and their spouses.