Dr. Alvarez is a practicing full time Ob/Gyn. He is board certified in Obstetrics and gynecology and a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. After graduating from his Residency at the State University of New York he moved to Lakeland Florida where he established his practice over 30 years ago. Dr Alvarez has served in the US Navy and has been past Ob/Gyn chairman of Lakeland Regional Hospital and currently also serves as Medical Director of several local Pregnancy Help centers. He has been a Board Member of Women’s Care Florida.
“I have been in practice for several decades and have aged with my patients. I have seen the changes my patients have had to go through because of menopause, perimenopause, and hormone imbalances. I have tried in the past to use the traditional and synthetic medications to help them with this but have only achieved mixed results. I believe bio-identical hormones, dosed correctly based on each individuals hormone measurements, and delivered via pellets, offers the patient the best chance to achieve symptomatic relief.”