Science of SottoPelle®Hormone Replacement Method (BHRT)

Why SottoPelle® Method Hormone Therapy Pellet Training?

Science and innovation is often the topic of controversy, but remember people once thought the world was flat too. Things change, and our founder Gino Tutera MD FACOG was instrumental in the innovation and wider acceptance of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) as a viable and successful medical treatment. Dr. Tutera started using Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy – BHRT – to help prevent pregnancy loss in 1979. Although many were critical of this approach, he helped many people.

Dr. Tutera also had the vision to recognize the application of BHRT in other areas of medical care. As a pioneer in this revolutionary field of medicine, Dr. Tutera has helped thousand of men and women in Scottsdale, the greater Phoenix area, across the entire United States and around the globe restore their health, increase their energy and vitality, reinvigorate their sex life, and improve their quality of life with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellets.

Gino Tutera MD, FACOG
SottoPelle® Founder

“In my many years of treating hormone deficiency with bio-identical hormones, I’ve seen the remarkable results that proper therapy can achieve. Lives do change.”

Dr. Tutera’s Discoveries in BHRT Hormone Replacement Therapy

Though it wasn’t a widely known or accepted therapy at the time, Dr. Tutera was unshakably convinced that bio-identical hormones are far superior to the pharmacological substances mass-produced by drug companies. It only made sense, he reasoned, for the body to use hormones that were biologically identical to the hormones produced naturally – not the synthetic blends, which (often-unsuccessfully) replicated them, causing unpleasant side effects.

In 1992, Dr. Tutera moved to Rancho Mirage, CA where he learned about pellet therapy.  SottoPelle was founded in 2004. Years of research, decades of hormone replacement experience, and tens of thousands of satisfied patients have proven what Dr. Tutera knew to be true: Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is superior to “one-size-fits-all” synthetic, lab-created hormone replacements.

For those who have been told their discomfort is just a part of getting older, pellets provides a miraculous solution. When hormonal balance is restored, it has a positive effect on nearly every part of the body: from the mind to the muscles, and the heart to the hair.

Thanks to the increased public awareness via the internet, media attention, and physician education, people are recognizing what Dr. Tutera had known all along: that BHRT, when properly dosed and administered, can work wonders.

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