become a sottopelle® provider today.
For over 40 years, SottoPelle® has been perfecting their dosing science and has been offering pellet therapy training for 30 years. Join 1200+ other providers around the world. Sign up below and we’ll email you a packet today.
“In my nearly 30 years of practice, nothing has come close to revolutionizing how I clinically approach hormonal replacement therapy. What I have learned from Dr. Gino Tutera has transformed how I practice medicine. It’s a home run.“
“I love the dosing application, Dosaggio it is Amazing. Perfect! You listened to the Providers in the development of this application. Very easy to use and versatile, A+“
Thank you.
“The Dosaggio website is easy to use and gives instant dosing information allowing for quick turn around from initial consultation to insertion. Highly recommend this platform.“

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