The Relationship Between Testosterone & Breast Cancer

The relationship between testosterone therapy and breast cancer prevention is a complex and evolving area of research. SottoPelle Method founder and hormone therapy pioneer Dr. Gino Tutera was among the first to identify potential protective effects of testosterone against breast cancer.

Gino Tutera, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., was a board-certified OB/GYN who practiced medicine “combining good science and common sense” for more than 40 years. Recognized internationally as a respected authority in the field of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, Dr. Tutera pioneered SottoPelle® in 2002 with the development of precisely dosed hormone pellets customized for each individual patient. His subcutaneous method has liberated thousands of people from their debilitating symptoms and restored them back to good health.

In this article the SottoPelle Method hormone replacement therapy experts explore the complicated relationship between testosterone and breast cancer, the understanding of which is still evolving.

Breast Cancer Statistics

The statistics regarding breast cancer occurrence are staggering. But a diagnosis is not a death sentence, especially as women under the guidance of their physicians become more pro-active in better prevention and detection of the disease.

  • Breast cancer by the numbers:
  • One in eight women will be diagnosed with the disease
  • A woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 3 minutes
  • One woman dies every 13 minutes from breast cancer
  • More than 250,000 women with the disease are under 40
  • Men can get breast cancer and 1 in every 1,000 men are diagnosed each year
  • There are approximately 3 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S.

For Dr. Gino Tutera, these statistics posed an incentive to research the role of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in breast cancer prevention. Dr. Tutera developed a customized form of BHRT in pellet form delivering the precise dosage of hormones that each individual needs to restore the body’s natural physiological balance.

Breast Cancer and Testosterone

In his research, Dr. Tutera discovered the role of bioidentical testosterone pellet therapy in helping to prevent breast cancer. While still widely regarded as a predominantly male hormone, testosterone is essential for women to maintain their normal physiology. Yet this scientific fact remains largely ignored.

“Around age forty, there is an increase in fibrocystic disease of the breast,” Dr. Tutera explains. “It coincides with women losing 50 percent of their testosterone production. Testosterone therapy helps decrease over-activity of cells in the breast and if you decrease cell proliferation, you cut down on the occurrence of cystic disease.”

According to Dr. Tutera’s 10-year breast cancer study*, the restoration of normal testosterone levels for women at risk for – or suffering from – breast cancer can make a significant difference in prevention of the disease. Maintaining proper levels of testosterone offers a lifesaving alternative for breast cancer patients who see not only a higher level of survivability, but also a lower chance of recurrence.

“Breast cancer patients are uniformly subjected to the usual treatment of no hormones whatsoever, which actually shortens the life span,” said Dr. Tutera. “Through testosterone replacement with SottoPelle [Method], we have the capability to help patients get their quality of life back.”

Potential Protective Effects of Testosterone Therapy

Androgen Receptors Breast tissue contains androgen receptors (ARs). Testosterone binding to these receptors can theoretically counteract the proliferative effects of estrogen, a known risk factor for breast cancer. Reduced Aromatization Testosterone can be converted to estrogen through a process called aromatization. Some studies suggest that testosterone therapy, with its lower doses compared to estrogen therapy, may lead to less aromatization and ultimately lower estrogen levels, potentially reducing breast cancer risk. Anti-proliferative effects Studies in both preclinical and human models suggest that testosterone may directly inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.

Clinical Research on Protective Effects of Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone Therapy and Breast Cancer Incidence Study1: This 9-year retrospective study found a 35.5% reduction in invasive breast cancer (IBC) incidence among women treated with subcutaneous testosterone implants compared to the expected incidence based on age.

Breast Cancer Incidence Reduction in Women Treated with Subcutaneous Testosterone2: This large retrospective study also observed a potential protective effect of testosterone therapy against IBC.

Understanding How Androgen Therapy Affects Breast Tissue3: This research suggests that testosterone might regulate genes involved in cell differentiation and suppress cancer-promoting pathways in breast tissue.

An important caveat should be headed by physicians administering testosterone therapy in women: some studies in preclinical models indicate that testosterone might promote the growth of existing breast cancer tumors. So, at this time, androgen replacement is not indicated for patients with pre-existing breast cancer tumors. This highlights the importance of prescribing HRT within the context of whole patient care – including breast cancer screening. Additionally, currently, most of the evidence in this area comes from observational studies, which have limitations and cannot establish definitive cause-and-effect relationships.

Pioneers in Testosterone Replacement Training

Gino Tutera, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., was a board-certified OB/GYN who has practiced medicine “combining good science and common sense” for 40 years. Recognized internationally as a respected authority in the field of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, Dr. Tutera pioneered SottoPelle® in 2002 with the development of precisely dosed hormone pellets customized for each individual patient. His subcutaneous method has liberated thousands of people from their debilitating symptoms and restored them back to good health.

For more than two decades, he conducted seminars on his safe and scientifically proven approach while training hundreds of physicians throughout the world. He has authored three books on the subject: You Don’t Have to Live with It! Life Regained: The Real Solution to Managing Menopause and Andropause, and You Don’t Have to Live with It! The Science of SottoPelle®.

Physician Testosterone Replacement Training

Approximately 3 million breast cancer survivors are living proof that this disease can be beaten. More than 98 percent of cases survive due to early detection. There is hope!

The conversation around testosterone therapy and breast cancer prevention is ongoing, with ongoing research shedding light on its complexities. However, the existing research supports what Dr. Tutera observed decades ago – a potential link between testosterone therapy and breast cancer prevention. And the experts at SottoPelle will continue to monitor and incorporate information from developing clinical trials in definitively understand the potential benefits and risks of testosterone therapy in relation to breast cancer risk.