Testosterone Replacement May Help Young Male Cancer Survivors

The gradual decrease in testosterone production over time in healthy men can lead to a wide array of symptoms and side effects, including: decreased sex drive, muscle loss and fat, fatigue and loss energy, depression and more. And when men face the daunting challenge of recovering from testicular cancer, even lower levels of testosterone may be caused by the cancer itself, as well as cancer treatments including chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

We understand that the road to recovery after a diagnosis of testicular cancer is likely the biggest fight of a man’s life.  But the good news is that recent clinical research as shown that male cancer survivors – especially testicular cancer survivors – may significantly benefit from testosterone replacement therapy.

Studying Low Testosterone in Male Cancer Patients

Low testosterone or “Low T” is one of the most common late-onset side effects experienced by younger male cancer survivors. In addition to low libido and sexual performance issues, men with low testosterone accumulate more body fat and less lean body mass and muscle than their peers. And, an increased fat-to-muscle ratio is also linked to a higher risk of heart disease, which is unfortunately a significant cause of death in cancer survivors.

However, research funded by Cancer Research UK – published in PLOS Medicine in November 2019 and reported that same day in News Medical – examined the effects of reduced levels of the male sex hormone, testosterone, in young male cancer survivors.

This is a groundbreaking approach because cancer and its treatment can leave patients feeling unwell, fatigued, and depressed. But clinical studies have traditionally focused only on the curative therapies themselves – but have not investigated treatments for the ancillary side-effects of cancer and cancer treatments.

Effects of Testosterone Therapy on the Side Effects of Testicular Cancer

The clinical trial was conducted over a six-month period with 136 men aged 25 to 50, and nine out of 10 of them had been treated for testicular cancer. Half the patients received testosterone replacement therapy and the remaining other half receiving a placebo.

At the end of the research study, the men given hormone replacement therapy had on average lost about 4 pounds of fat mass and gained about 3 pounds in lean body muscle mass. Even better, the reduction in fat mass was greatest around their belly – which is specifically associated with a higher risk of developing conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

The implications of this study are groundbreaking for cancer survivors. As more and more people survive cancer and go on to live normal lives for many years, it is important to start addressing therapies that can also treat the late-onset side effects of cancer treatment that affect patients’ health and quality of life for years after recovery.

While additional research is needed, testosterone hormone replacement therapy for male cancer patients appears very promising. Just as it was clinically proven in the research study to decrease fat and build lean body mass, thereby decreasing heart disease risk, there is every reason to believe that the benefits will extend to other side-effects of cancer treatment, including: fatigue, loss of libido, depression and more.

Male Cancer Survivor Testosterone Replacement Therapy

SottoPelle® Method twice-a-year low testosterone treatment enables men suffering from Low T to not only enhance their sexual drive and performance, but also improve their physical appearance, increase their energy, and help prevent against dangerous health disorders such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and more.

And, hormone replacement pellets offer several advantages over other testosterone delivery systems. With pellets, there are NO daily pills, NO painful weekly shots, and NO messy creams. Additionally, the SottoPelle® method utilizes bioidentical hormones that are safer, more effective, and more natural than lab-created synthetics. Because bioidentical hormones are identical to the body’s own hormones, they offer more effective results, with fewer side-effects and risks.

If you are a male cancer survivor experiencing side effects from the cancer itself or from the treatments, it is important to discuss the possibility of low testosterone with your oncologist or primary care provider. A simple blood test can determine if you are suffering from “Low T” that may be responsible for a lack of energy, weight gain, changes in mood, or decreased sex drive.

Fighting cancer is hard enough. You shouldn’t have to be fighting with the many side effects of low testosterone as well. Talk to your physician about the SottoPelle® Method for your testosterone replacement therapy today.

Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy:  480.874.1515

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This article is provided as general information only and is not intended to be used as medical advice. While the benefits of hormone replacement are well documented through clinical research, we are not representing that hormone therapy is a “cure” for any disease. Only your treating physician can determine if hormone replacement may be a beneficial part of your healthcare regimen, based on your age, overall health, risk factors, and lifestyle.