Get A Bang Out of Aging this New Year

he end of summer is drawing near.  Did you take time to regain your vigor and excitement? You see all the ads about getting your beach body ready and almost everyone shudders. Our obsession with body image should be refocused on body health. For people over 40, the feelings of body inadequacies are only worsened by the changes that aging has on our sense of sexuality. It is a catch 22 as improving our vitality is heavily integrated in staying “ sexy.”

Attitudes about sexuality and aging – we can change the perceptions about sexuality via education and therapeutic approaches.

“The myth: Only the young are sexually attractive.

The culture we live in exalts youth. Turn on the TV or open a magazine and you’ll be barraged with images of supple skin, firm flesh, long eye leashes, full lips and lustrous locks. If your mirror is reflecting a different picture these days, you may feel like the party is going on without you.

The reality: Older can be quite sexy.
Sure, thinning hair, laugh lines, and a paunchy midriff are no picnic. But think back on what it was that made you attractive in your younger years. Was it your soulful brown eyes, your crooked smile, or maybe your infectious laugh? Chances are, those attributes are still as appealing as ever. In fact, a 1999 survey conducted by the AARP and Modern Maturity magazine revealed that the percentage of people age 45 and older who consider their partners physically attractive increases with age.”

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Somethings often seem easier in theory than in application. In the throes of Menopause and/or Andropause or just busy adult lives, how do we keep passion alive?

Sexual health and aging: Keep the passion alive

“Sexual feelings don’t disappear as you age. Here’s how to keep the flame burning.

Sexual health is important at any age. And the desire for intimacy is timeless. As you age, sex may not be the same as it was in your 20s, but it can still be very fulfilling. Discover which aspects of sexual health are likely to change as you age — and how you and your partner can adapt.”

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Keeping LifeFit® will keep you healthier and sexier. Biomechanics and physics teach us that things in Motion stay in Motion.

“You’ve likely heard that regular exercise can reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or osteoporosis. But a growing body of research shows it may have another, more surprising effect: improving your sex life.

In men, regular exercise appears to be a natural Viagra. It’s associated with a lower risk of erectile problems. In one study, sedentary middle-aged men assigned to participate in a vigorous exercise program for nine months reported more frequent sexual activity, improved sexual function, and greater satisfaction. Those whose fitness levels increased most saw the biggest improvements in their sex lives.”

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