Whether you’re a man or a woman, talking with your significant other about their health and hormones with a physician is almost always fodder for an argument. The good news is, “It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way®” if the topic is approached with love, compassion, support and understanding. There are ways you can minimize the chance of upsetting the other person’s feelings if you do a little homework first.
If you’re a man, understand that your wife’s mood swings aren’t always caused by a bad day at work or the stress of dealing with the children or the never-ending list of chores at home. Chances are these everyday stressors can be amplified as a result of hormonal imbalance, premenopausal or menopausal. When a women is in menopause her body significantly decreases its production of estrogen and testosterone. In addition to mood swings, your wife may be experiencing fatigue or loss of libido. Other symptoms can include night sweats, hot flashes, unexplained weight gain and irritability. She may not realize she is suffering from hormonal imbalance and may have a hard time asking for help even if she suspects she might be “going through the change.”

Don’t let her be a stoic and suffer in silence. When you feel an openness in her presence, start by telling her she is greatly loved and valued. That you are bringing up a possibly sensitive topic only out of concern for her health. Reassure her that though her symptoms might have affected your relationship, that you are committed in helping her find answers so she can start feeling better, both physically and emotionally. Offer to read the same material with her, if possible, attend her doctor’s appointments with her, let her know you want to understand her condition, but most importantly, show her your support is consistent and constant.

If you are a woman wanting to talk to your male partner about “the change” you suspect is taking place in him, this topic is equally sensitive. We often hear of stories of men going through “mid-life crisis” when they buy the new sports car, start looking at much younger women and often chase things which help them feel more youthful. Some experts believe this phenomenon may actually be caused by a man trying to over-compensate the very qualities the he believes is slipping away from him: his sex appeal and masculinity. When a man reaches their late 30’s to mid-40s, the male body starts to significantly produce less testosterone which causes the man to have decreased libido and energy, loss of mental focus, decreased muscle mass, increased weight gain and an overall compromise in their sense of well-being. For a man, these symptoms also often cause depression. This “change” is often called “male menopause” or now known as “Andropause.”

When a woman addresses a man’s possible hormonal imbalance, the same concepts in positive communication applies regardless of whom is addressing whom. The woman must reassure the man that he is valued and loved and that this sensitive topic is being brought up out of concern for their health and well-being. Let your partner know that you don’t see him less of a man because his body is going through changes that are not in his control. Reassure him that the changes he is going through are common among men and the clinical term is called “andropause.” Read about the topic together and talk about “next steps” in getting him the medical help he needs.

The bottom line is neither the man nor the woman needs to suffer and feel they have debilitating bodies. Your relationship does not have to suffer because of the distance or walls often built between partners due to misunderstandings as a result of hormonal imbalance and mood swings that often follow. Intimacy in the relationship is possible, again. As well as the renewed sense of hope in a healthy, long future together not hindered by any physical, emotional or mental barricades often produced by hormonal imbalance. Your passion for life and each other will only grow with each passing year. But it all starts with today.

When you know something is not quite right with the person you love, it’s only natural you want to help them. Words have the power to build-up a person or to tear them down. Let’s help build the other person up in letting them know there is hope. For the past 20 years SottoPelle has provided thousands of men and women the ability to feel like their selves again. Let us help you and your loved one rebuild the road to happiness and good health.

Dr. Gino Tutera is a pioneer and leader in the field of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. As a board certified OB/GYN, he has dedicated more than thirty years of his medical career to the clinical study, science and treatment of hormonal imbalance. In 2002, Dr. Tutera founded SottoPelle® Therapy and has since been invited to speak at international medical conventions in front of thousands of fellow physicians. Dr. Tutera has authored three books on the world-renowned methodology of SottoPelle Therapy. His books are sold individually in Spanish and in English in print format or you can download the books electronically. You can purchase them here: