If you’ve tried other methods of hormone replacement therapy—for instance pills, patches, creams, gels, suppositories or others—you know they can be inconvenient, messy and pose other issues. Dosing can be tricky too. Oral methods mean you have to take high doses of hormones in order to attain proper blood levels; dosing schedules can get complicated; using gels and creams can result in too much or too little hormone and so on.
Pellet implants, on the other hand, provide biologically identical hormones in a way the body recognizes and can utilize. What makes them so effective are the consistent blood levels of bioavailable hormones. Also, the dosing can be individualized to your own body’s needs. And they last longer than any other hormone replacement method.

Here are 4 Reasons Pellet BHRT Is the Most Effective and Safest Method Available:

1) Pellet BHRT has been prescribed since the 1930s
Hormone replacement using the pellet delivery method (subcutaneous implants) has been widely available for more than three-quarters of a century. In fact, beginning in the early 1940s, it became a very popular HRT treatment in the U.S. for about 30 years. Then, in the 1970s, pharmaceutical manufacturers introduced their newly developed and patented synthetic hormones. Shrewd marketing convinced the public, the medical establishment and the FDA to accept these new drugs as healthy and efficacious despite the long list of side effects, warnings and health risks. That being said, subcutaneous implants have remained accepted and commonly prescribed in Europe, Australia and other parts of the world.

2) Research supports the pellet implant hormone delivery system
Since the early 1940s, reports have appeared in a wide range of respected international journals validating the many benefits of pellet HRT. In fact, there is more supportive data on this method than any other form of hormone replacement therapy. The longevity of this science-based modality attests to the fact that, when properly managed, it is scientifically recognized as the safest and most effective method available for administering hormone replacement therapy. 1,2,3,4

3) Pellets are made from natural plant sources and are biologically identical to human hormones
The bioidentical hormones in pellets are made from either wild yam or soybeans. They are manufactured to the highest quality standards by facilities that are registered and inspected by the FDA. The hormones are formulated to precisely match human hormones. In other words, bioidenticals are able to fully communicate with receptor cells throughout the body and perform the many important tasks it requires. This isn’t the case with synthetic hormones, which can accomplish some tasks but not all. The intended imperfection of these formulations is the reason that synthetics can be patented, but also why they can cause havoc within the body and why they are required by the FDA to come with warnings about side effects and serious health risks.

4) Pellet implants use very small doses of hormone
Pellets are designed to release small amounts of hormone directly into the blood stream around the clock over a period of months (typically they last 3 to 6 months). This very closely matches the body’s own feedback system for releasing hormones and provides the steady, physiologic blood levels the body is used to.

Because pellets don’t have to pass through the gastrointestinal system or liver, smaller doses can be used to accomplish successful results. This makes pellet implants a much healthier alternative than oral methods like pills, tablets or capsules, which must be given in high doses to achieve any results at all.  Click here to learn more about SottoPelle BHRT Pellets.

  1. Salmon, U., et al. Use of estradiol subcutaneous pellets in humans. Science 1939, 90: 162.
  2. Greenblatt R. Indications for hormone pellets in the therapy of endocrine and gynaecological disorders. AM J Obstet-Synecol 1949; 57:294.
  3. Morris Notelovitz et al. Metabolic & Hormonal Effects of 25mg & 50mg, 17-¬‐B-¬‐Estadiol Implants. Obstetrics & Gynecology, Volume 70, No. 5, Nov 1987
  4. Suhonen S1, Sipinen S, Lähteenmäki P, Laine H, Rainio J, Arko H. Postmenopausal oestrogen replacement therapy with subcutaneous oestradiol implants. Maturitas. 1993 Mar;16(2):123-31.