Hot flashes are the most common symptom that accompanies perimenopause in women. It’s been estimated that more than 75% of perimenopausal women experience hot flashes.
What Are Hot Flashes?
Hot flashes are abrupt feelings of warmth. Your skin may suddenly flush or get red and splotchy as if you’re blushing. They are generally most intense over the upper body and face. Hot flashes can make you sweat profusely and then leave you feeling chilled. The frequency and intensity of episodes will vary from individual to individual. You may have a few or many hot flashes in a day. They usually subside within a few minutes. Not every woman will experience hot flashes, but most suffer with them for more than a year and up to four or five years.

The Physiology of Hot Flashes
The physiology of a hot flash isn’t clearly understood. It seems that, as estrogen levels decrease, the area of the brain that regulates temperature loses its ability to control body heat. Hot flashes occur when production of your most important estrogen – estradiol – slows and finally stops altogether. This disrupts the delicate hormone ratios that keep your cells, organs and systems working properly. Your body is transitioning from the stability of healthful estrogen levels to the instability of wild fluctuations and deficiency.

Are Night Sweats The Same as Hot Flashes?
They are the same phenomenon. The difference lies in when they occur. Hot flashes happen in the daytime; night sweats take place at night when you’re sleeping. Night sweats can leave you, your night wear and bedding drenched in perspiration. The sleep disruption can also be accompanied by headaches, increased heart rate and nausea. Hot flashes can likewise be the root cause behind daytime tiredness, fatigue, irritability and moodiness.

Make Them Go Away!
It takes more than lightweight clothing, sleeping with the window open and ingesting a few herbs to rid you of hot flashes and other symptoms. Since the problem is hormonal imbalance, that’s what must be addressed. The resolution lies in restoring beneficial levels of deficient hormones.

At SottoPelle®, we take the scientific approach to hormone replacement; one that’s based in years of research and observation. Our expert physicians will test your hormone levels, provide you with an accurate diagnosis, and help you decide if our unique pellet implant method is a good fit for you. Once you begin treatment and proper hormone ratios are reestablished, symptom relief can be yours.

Give us a call today and join thousands of others who tell us they’ve regained their lives – something they thought was lost forever!