Sex Hormone Deficiency & the Link to Type 2 Diabetes

Sex hormone deficiency has been clinically linked to an increase in the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Testosterone levels in both men and women have specifically been studied in relationship to their effect on glucose regulation and link to metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

Balancing hormone levels and avoiding sex hormone deficiency is important for patient success levels. Understanding the role of sex hormones on type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease is important for physicians to understand. Hormonal health is a critical marker of overall health in patients.

The SottoPelle® Method of Physician Hormone Therapy Training can help physicians provide the best possible care to their patients. This care extends beyond management of symptoms of menopause and andropause. Physician Hormone Therapy Training will support physicians in taking care of their patient’s overall health.

Sex Hormone Deficiency and its Role in Diabetes

Male and female patients are genetically different and have different optimal levels of proper sex hormone for their body to function optimally. For men, low levels of testosterone are an issue for regulation of blood sugar. On the other hand, when women have excess levels of testosterone in their body it can be linked to irregular glucose patterns. One thing is clear, clinical studies have well established the link between testosterone and type 2 diabetes.

Male patients need testosterone to help promote tissue to respond properly to an insulin surge. Studies have found that around 50% of men who had low testosterone, commonly called “low t”, will also have a type 2 diabetes diagnosis and are likely to be obese. Physician Hormone Therapy Training with the SottoPelle® Method can help providers make appropriate and individualized hormone replacement therapy treatment plans for men who suffer from low t and type 2 diabetes due to a sex hormone deficiency.

Female patients are more apt to have type 2 diabetes when their testosterone level is high. One study found that women who have higher levels of testosterone are around 37% more likely to have type 2 diabetes than women who have testosterone within normal ranges. In addition to being more at risk for type 2 diabetes, female patients who have higher testosterone are more likely to be diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome and some cancers.

Sex hormone deficiency can cause chronic problems for both male and female patients. Helping these patients balance their hormones can help to increase the quality and longevity of their life! Physicians understand now more than ever that a proper Physician Hormone Therapy Training program is important to have a well-rounded care plan for patients. The SottoPelle® Method can help physicians nationwide learn more about sex hormone deficiency and how to treat patients.

Sex Hormone Deficiency and Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome leaves patients facing many challenges such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and poor cholesterol levels. Sex hormone deficiency only increases the chance that patients will suffer with metabolic syndrome. As patients age, sex hormone deficiency begins to cause many problems that are directly linked to an increase in metabolic syndrome.

For female patients, a decrease in estrogen results in more accumulation of visceral fat, low LDL levels, higher blood pressure, and higher body mass index. Since estrogen is needed to help regulate tissues in blood vessels and arteries, the decline in production of estrogen as a female patient ages leads to a sex hormone deficiency that prevents their body from being able to care for itself properly. Changes related to an increase in fat, irregular blood pressure, and poor insulin regulation lead female patients to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome. Treating sex hormone deficiency in female patients is possible with the SottoPelle® Method Physician Hormone Therapy Training Program!

Male patients who suffer from hormone deficiency also face the same risks. Lower levels of testosterone result in difficulty with fat gain around the midsection, loss of vascularity and muscle mass, as well an increase in cholesterol numbers and an enhanced risk of high blood pressure. Metabolic syndrome is a serious issue for male patients. Hormone therapy can help to restore the natural balance and lessen the risk associated with chronic illness.

Physician Hormone Therapy Training for Treating Sex Hormone Deficiency

At SottoPelle® we are passionate about training physicians on the problems linked to sex hormone deficiency. Hormonal well-being affects more than just a patient’s libido, energy levels, and weight. Hormones support the body’s primary cardiovascular and metabolic function. Restoring the balance and improving sex hormone deficiency helps get a patient back on track to a longer, healthier life.

The SottoPelle Method Physician Hormone Therapy Training program helps physicians nationwide treat their patients. With hormone replacement therapy on a physician’s list of clinical offerings, patients can experience optimal wellness. Call us today to sign up!

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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This article is provided as general information only and is not intended to be used as medical advice. While the benefits of hormone replacement are well documented through clinical research, we are not representing that hormone therapy is a “cure” for any disease. Only your treating physician can determine if hormone replacement may be a beneficial part of your healthcare regimen, based on your age, overall health, risk factors, and lifestyle.