Guest Bloggers:
Heather P. Chauhan MD, FACOG and Richard M. Pearson MD, FACSE

EXCEED Hormone Specialists
7512 Second Street, Germantown, TN 38138

Whats the secret to a healthy marriage or partnership? Sex isnt everything, but intimacy and romance are an important part of any intimate relationship. Studies suggest that good sex is also good for your health since elevated endorphin and oxytocin levels lower stress, elevate mood, and prompt more cuddling with your spouse or partner. Amidst all the valentine cards and heart-shaped chocolate boxes this month, the fact remains that many couples are unhappy with their sex lives.

According to the American Medical Association, 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men in the U.S. admit they have a sexual problem. But most are too embarrassed to do anything about it except reach for the Viagra. While there are various physical, emotional and lifestyle issues that can lead to sexual dysfunction, research shows that hormonal imbalances are often a primary factor.Have you noticed? The symptoms of hormone deficiency that affect relationships are the same in both men and women. These often include:

  • fatigue,
  • low energy
  • low libido
  • poor sexual functioning
  • loss of motivation
  • mood swings

What is happening to each of the individuals is also happening to the couple and amazingly they never see it. Each thinks the other has the problem! As specialists in hormone deficiency and sexual dysfunction, we initially noted this pattern in couples referred by marital, family therapy and sexual counselors. We also discovered that treating these patients and their hormone issues together as a couple is much more effective and can offer some them some hope and positive results. Testosterone is the key hormone for libido in both sexes and also generates a connection or bonding emotion between two partners. However, Low T levels have many men turning to potentially harmful forms of synthetic testosterone. Pills, patches, injections, gels and creams in generic doses can lead to hormone surges and other side effects.Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) pellets offer a safer, natural treatment option with precisely individualized dosing for both men and women to help restore hormones back to their proper levels.

Doing BHRT together as a couple is a powerful way to help put the vitality back in your relationship. Co-treatment leads to improved compliance, earlier and better results and mutual satisfaction. With individual patients, we inquire very early about a significant other and their hormone symptoms. If possible, we then approach each individuals therapy in the context of the couples relationship.Why does this approach work? First, most couples are nearly the same age. Two-thirds of all married or cohabiting couples are within 2.5 years of each others age. Consequently, each half of the couple moves into hormonal difficulties at the same time.

Women in the pre- and postmenopausal years from 40 to 60 are generally living with men of a similar age. In these men, testosterone levels are dropping and 50 percent have erectile dysfunction. Together they experience decreased hormones, loss of libido, sexual problems, moodiness and strained relationships. Second, relationships play a key role in overall health. Research shows that happy couples have a lower risk of heart disease. BHRT demonstrates benefit on heart and bone health, weight control, brain function and metabolism. Imagine the BHRT potential being magnified by the strength of the relationship! Finally, seeing ones partner make the change from poor health to optimal health, or simply associating with a healthy partner, is very powerful motivation and reinforcement.

The British demonstrated this effect recently in a study of 3,700 couples attempting weight control, exercise or smoking cessation. Individuals were three times more likely to succeed if the partner joined in the challenge.The message: Fitness, vitality and BHRT all rub off on your partner. Its never too late to save your marriage or relationship! So this Valentines Day, dont turn to Viagra to spice up your sex life. Consider the natural option that BHRT offers you and your significant other for enhancing your health and revitalizing your romance so you can enjoy growing old together!