Do your friends ask you about your SottoPelle® hormone therapy? Do they wonder how well it works; if it’s safe and whether you’re happy with it? This must be the case since so many of our new patients come to us as referrals. They’ve heard from you and others about our unique BHRT approach and want to see for themselves what it can do for them.

Tell Your Friends About SottoPelle

Although the science of SottoPelle® goes well beyond mere symptom relief, we don’t want to downplay the importance of a symptom-free life. In fact, the most common thing we hear from patients is what a difference our hormone replacement therapy makes in their quality of life. They sleep better; have a more fulfilling sex life; greater energy; less brain fog; and freedom from those unbearable hot flashes and night sweats.

Many women are confused about the options when it comes to hormone replacement. You may have friends who are using conventional pharmaceutical remedies, conjugated hormones or even herbal intervention. The flaws of these are well documented. Although it’s true that some therapies can provide a degree of symptom relief, they also come with the risk of serious, sometimes life-threatening, side effects. None provide the scientifically-documented safety, effectiveness or other added benefits of SottoPelle®.

If your friends want to know what’s so different about SottoPelle®, tell them that it’s all about our approach to restoring hormonal balance. We combine biologically identical hormones with the pellet implant delivery system to help return your endocrine hormones to beneficial levels. SottoPelle’s expertise in diagnosing hormone deficiencies, joined with our unique dosing and insertion techniques, has gained us a reputation as pioneers and experts in the field of BHRT. This type of natural hormone replacement recreates the hormone environment your body recognizes and can work with. SottoPelle® can therefore both relieve the disruptive symptoms of hormone deficiency and treat the underlying imbalance that impacts long term health and well-being.

So the next time your girlfriends ask, don’t be shy about sharing your SottoPelle® experience. Everyone deserves to enjoy what you’re enjoying—symptom-free, hassle-free BHRT that works safely and effectively.