The Effects of Testosterone on a Man’s Body

When most men hear the word “testosterone” they immediately think of sexual drive and performance. And the recent onslaught of online and TV ads for “Low T Boosters” have reinforced this association.

But testosterone is a vital male hormone that is responsible for much more than just sex. The male hormone testosterone affects almost every system, function, and aspect of men’s bodies. And, women also have testosterone, but in much smaller amounts.

When a man’s testosterone levels are below normal levels it can lead to a whole host of symptoms and problems. Fortunately, bioidentical hormone replacement can restore testosterone to optimal levels and ward of many or all of these issues.

In this article the testosterone replacement therapy experts at SottoPelle explain the many functions of testosterone in men and discuss why maintaining or restoring healthy hormone levels is important for health, vitality and well-being.

Testosterone & Sex (Reproductive System)

Testosterone begins helping form male genitals around seven weeks after conception – and then surges at puberty, as the testicles and penis grow. The testicles are responsible for producing a steady stream of testosterone and making a new supply of sperm every day.

Men who have low levels of testosterone may experience erectile dysfunction (ED). A man with “Low T” may also lose his desire for sex.

Testosterone & Personality (Central Nervous System)

The body has a system for regulating its levels of testosterone. In the brain, the hypothalamus “messages” the pituitary gland to signal how much testosterone is needed. And then the pituitary relays that information to the testicles where the testosterone is produced

Testosterone plays an important role in certain “male” behaviors, including aggression, dominance, competitiveness, and self-esteem.

Low testosterone may result in a loss of confidence, lack of motivation or inability to concentrate. Low T can also cause feelings of sadness, as well as sleep disturbances and lack of energy.

Testosterone is not the only factor that influences these personality traits, but “T levels” do work hand-in-hand with biological and environmental factors to influence a man’s personality.

Testosterone & Appearance (Hair, Muscle, Fat & Bone)

As a young man transitions into adulthood, increased testosterone production stimulates the growth of hair on the face, in the armpits, and around the genitals. Thicker hair may also grow on the arms, legs, and chest. A man with shrinking levels of testosterone may often lose some body hair and suffer from certain types of baldness.

Testosterone is also a key player in the body’s development of muscle mass and strength. Testosterone increases neurotransmitters, which encourage muscle and tissue growth. Additionally, testosterone interacts with the nuclear receptors in DNA, stimulating the protein synthesis necessary for building muscle mass. Further, testosterone increases levels of human growth hormone, which enhances the ability of exercise to build muscle.

The male hormone testosterone also plays a significant role in fat metabolism, helping men to burn fat more effectively. Low levels of testosterone can cause an increase in body fat, as well as encourage the body to deposit fat in the belly and breast area.

Testosterone also plays a big role in increasing bone density, by signaling the bone marrow to manufacture red blood cells. So, men who have very low levels of testosterone are more susceptible to dangerous and debilitating bone fractures and breaks as they get older.

Testosterone & Disease (Circulatory System)

Metabolic syndrome refers to a cluster of high-risk factors such as elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure that increase the risk of several diseases, including:  heart disease, high cholesterol, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and others. Testosterone also stimulates the body to produce red blood cells – so insufficient testosterone can result n anemia as well as accompanying fatigue and lack of energy.

According to two impressive clinical studies, presented by Bayer Schering Pharma in Berlin, low testosterone levels in men are clearly associated with metabolic syndrome.  In these studies, it was found that testosterone replacement substantially reduced metabolic syndrome risk factors.

And, in research presented by the Institute for Community Medicine (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University; Greifswald, Germany), low testosterone levels were also associated with an increased risk of death in men.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The good news is that SottoPelle Method men’s hormone replacement therapy (HRT) naturally restores the correct amount and balance of a man’s hormones. Hormone replacement therapy can restore a man’s quality of life by eliminating the frustrating sexual symptoms and body changes of “Low T”.

Additionally, testosterone replacement therapy can reduce a man’s risk of developing life-threatening illnesses such heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and more.

Bioidentical hormones are identical to the body’s own hormones, so they are much more effective and safer – without many of the side-effects of lab-created hormones. And the unique pellet delivery system time-releases testosterone sub-dermally – just like the body does – for up to six months with a single insertion!

If you think you may be one of the millions of men who are suffering from “Low T” ask your physician about SottoPelle Method testosterone replacement pellet therapy. Or schedule an appointment with a certified SottoPelle physician in your area using our Physician Finder HERE.

Restore your sex life, improve your appearance, and protect your health with SottoPelle Method testosterone replacement pellets today!

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: (323) 986-5100

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This article is provided as general information only and is not intended to be used as medical advice. While the benefits of hormone replacement are well documented through clinical research, we are not representing that hormone therapy is a “cure” for any disease. Only your treating physician can determine if hormone replacement may be a beneficial part of your healthcare regimen, based on your age, overall health, risk factors, and lifestyle.