One of the most common symptoms of hormone imbalance is fatigue. For many women experiencing the wild roller coaster ride of hormonal ups and downs during perimenopause, it can be utterly exhausting. Men often feel that same weary, lethargic, low energy fatigue when their testosterone levels dip below normal.
Both men and women can also experience what is called crashing fatigue as part of testosterone deficiency or perimenopause. This extreme tiredness and lethargy can hit suddenly and unexpectedly. It can occur at any time of day and is unrelated to recent physical exertion. Crashing fatigue has been described as abrupt overwhelming feelings of weakness, exhaustion and diminished energy level.

Unfortunately, the disruptive saga of fatigue continues. There are generally other symptoms that accompany hormone deficiency-related fatigue. Daytime sleepiness is often followed by nighttime sleeplessness. Night sweats and hot flushes are frequently blamed for the sleep interruptions. Sleep deprivation, in turn, can create mood changes, irritability, depression and difficulty in managing the daily routine. It can also raise the risk of high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity and other health issues.

It looks like a bleak picture, but it doesn’t have to be.

Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Therapy Can Relieve Debilitating Fatigue

There is good news for the thousands of men and women who suffer with hormone deficiency-related fatigue and other symptoms. Bioidentical hormone pellet therapy, when properly administered, can help restore hormonal balance and alleviate symptoms, including fatigue.

Estrogen and testosterone are essential hormones that perform hundreds of tasks throughout the body. They work synergistically with other hormones to provide you with the energy and well-being your body needs to perform at its best. The hormone loss and deficiency of andropause and menopause rob you of your vitality, motivation and even your health.

Why suffer when SottoPelle® BHRT can help you regain your life? Our pellet implant therapy provides just the right amounts of humanly identical hormones in a way that your body can work with and utilize. We are experts at tailoring hormone replacement to meet your individual needs. Call us today to schedule a consultation and join thousands of others who can enjoy life again because of SottoPelle®.