While women are well aware of the fact that they will someday enter into menopause, many men are unaware of andropause.


Testosterone is classified a steroid hormone in the Androgen group. The decline of testosterone is known as Andropause, sometimes referred to as the male version of Menopause. Beginning at 30, a man’s body makes less and less testosterone and around 40-55 the levels drop dramatically. The most common complaint is low sexual desire or libido and any man that has erectile dysfunction should get his testosterone checked. The decline in testosterone can also make it more difficult to conceive a child. Men may also start to have signs and symptoms of lower testosterone levels like lower energy, decreased muscle mass and bone density, and anemia. Low testosterone levels have also been associated with increased cardiovascular risk, mortality and increases in bad cholesterol.


  • Brain Fog
  • Dry Skin
  • Diabetes
  • Decreased Muscle Mass
  • Anxiety
  • Low Sexual Desire
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Headaches
  • Depression Fatigue / Low Energy

When properly administered, the pellet delivery system provides safe and effective BHRT. In fact, it remains the only form of delivery that closely mirrors what the human ovary and testicle do. This method ensures the same steady, around-the-clock, low dosages the body once created. You won’t have to change patches, rub on creams, or remember to take a pill. And you won’t experience the radical surges and drops in blood levels as with other methods. Pellet implants even deliver more when the body needs it—like during exercise or periods of stress.

1. Right Amount of Hormones
Creams, pills and patches all deliver wildly, inconsistent amounts of hormones unnaturally released into the body that does not mimic how the body naturally delivers hormones. Pellet delivery system is consistent and ongoing as the body requires it. You don’t have to worry about taking a pill, or a patch falling off, or a million other factors that make creams, pills, and patches an unreliable way to deliver hormones. Pellets remain the only delivery system that provides steady blood serum levels over time.

2. Simple Safe Pellet Insertion
Once inserted, a steady, low dose of natural hormone flows directly into the blood stream whenever the body needs it. This gives the body the ability to control the release of the hormone just as it did when the ovaries and testicles were working normally. Our method utilizes our proprietary dosing site, BioCalc (patent pending) to prescribe the precise hormones, specifically for your needs.

3. Promote and Preserve Bone Density
As we age and our hormone levels shift dramatically, maintaining normal bone density becomes critical to good health. Fluctuating levels of estrogen and testosterone decrease bone strength and increase the chance of fractures. Women who undergo premature surgical menopause also remain at greater risk of developing osteoporosis, making it critical to check their hormone levels. Demonstrated by the four-fold increase in bone density over oral estrogen, 2.5 times greater than patches and 8.3% per year for pellet therapy.

Why Use Bioidentical Hormones?

Conventional male hormonal treatments are administered by injections or rubbing gels in or onto your body. Commonly, these treatments use synthetic hormones that are not real hormones, but rather imperfect mimics of natural hormones. There can be many side effects from using these products and they can end up creating as many symptoms as they relieve. The one size fits all solution from big pharmaceutical companies do not properly adjust the ratios of hormones nor provide a natural delivery method into the body.

Millions of men are suffering and trying pharmaceutical drugs to regain their sex drive and clear up their brain fog without realizing that bio-identical hormones are even an option. Bio-identical hormones have been studied extensively and safely used since 1935, without the negative side effects that synthetics have been known to produce.