Health and well being is all about balance.It is the correct and equal proportions of our bodies and mind that create a healthy and delicate equilibrium. In a recent conversation with SottoPelle CEO and Authentic Aging advocate CarolAnn Tutera she discussed how to find and regain the balance that is so need in our lives. CarolAnn stresses the value of an overall holistic and integrated approach that she has come to call the SottoPelle Lifestyle. “Your way of life is typically established by a pattern of habits or behaviors over time. As we age, how we use our time and energy becomes a topic of focus and concern for many. CarolAnn advises “it is never too late to refocus and redirect your energy to have the life you want at any age.”It is important to couple longevity with an increased quality of life. CarolAnn supports regular meditation, exercise, eating nutritiously, balanced hormones and seeking out your “Adventure in Aging.” She found inspiration in LifeFit, a program of low intensity formative exercises for integrated transformation.This unique method focuses on biomechanics and utilizes the innate strength within each person’s complete bio structure to maximize their strength physically and mentally. CarolAnn stresses that “Everyone has to find their own way to maximize their lifestyle and find overall balance. Anything that keeps you active, happy and healthy is the ultimate goal.” As a sixty something, CarolAnn says she has never felt more vibrant and happier. “I strive every day to learn something new and direct my life towards positive energy through my work and helping people. I have discovered there is no one panacea for aging, but finding a healthy lifestyle and balance puts you on the right path.” CarolAnn has recently launched a podcast called Adventures in Aging (on iTunes) and she hosts a series of remarkable experts and guests to candidly discuss authentic aging and healthier lifestyles. Have you regained your balance? Call today to see how we can help you.