Eating too much is often more than just an issue of willpower. There are a lot of reasons for overeating, many of which scientists now say trace back to brain chemistry and hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal Imbalance and Overeating

Humans produce approximately 50 different hormones in their bodies, all of which vary in structure, activity and response. These hormones work together to control a long list of biological functions including heart rate, muscle development, sexuality and hunger.

Estrogen alone has a major impact on more than 300 of the body’s systems. For instance, we know that estrogen balance is vital to achieving and maintaining fat loss. Likewise, sufficient levels of estrogen appear to aid in hunger regulation. It does this by increasing the concentration of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that signals your brain when you are full or satisfied.

Women with PMS are notoriously prone to binges and food cravings. These are signs of an imbalance in the ratio between estrogen and progesterone that occurs prior to menstruation. This state of disharmony, when combined with the undesirable effects of elevated stress hormones (such as adrenaline and cortisol), creates the perfect storm for piling on abdominal fat—a fact of life for many hormonally imbalanced perimenopausal women.

Fortunately, hormonal imbalance is highly diagnosable and readily treatable. For optimum health, it’s vital to choose a hormone replacement practitioner who understands endocrinology and the importance of hormonal balance.

SottoPelle® physicians are just that. We are industry leaders and expert when it comes to properly administered BHRT. Our proprietary SottoPelle® method is tailored to meet your unique needs using the highest quality, plant-based, pellet implants for optimum results. Research has shown it to be the safest and most effective hormone delivery system available. When combined with exercise and a healthy lifestyle, you will have the tools you need to take control of cravings, weight gain, fatigue, insomnia, depression and many other issues that accompany hormonal imbalance.

If you think you might have a hormonal imbalance, you can take a free self assessment quiz by clicking here.