How to tell your partner, spouse, friend… “IT’S TIME” for SottoPelle®

A person with a hormone balance can be difficult to live with. Irritability, anxiety, moodiness, and fatigue can all take a toll on a relationship. If the person is your partner, add sexual dysfunction to the mix, and the problems can compound.

If you’ve noticed unpleasant changes in someone close to you who it (very well) might be their hormones. If you are unsure, consider the following:

Some of the most common symptoms of hormone imbalance in women include:

● Hot flashes and sweating

● Sleep problems

● Depressive mood

● Irritability

● Anxiety and panic

● Fatigue/exhaustion

● Sexual problems

● Vaginal dryness

● Brian fog/memory loss

For men, the most common symptoms are:

● A decline in their sense of wellbeing

● Joint or muscle discomfort

● Excessive sweating

● Sleep problems

● Fatigue

● Irritability

● Nervousness

● Anxiety

● A decrease in muscle strength

● Depressive mood

● Sexual problems

● A decrease in morning erections

● Decrease in libido

Do these look familiar?

If so, it’s time to talk about Natural HRT using the SottoPelle® Method. Research shows that relieving some of the bothersome physical symptoms of hormone imbalance results in improvements in psychological symptoms. It makes sense. Hot flashes and a racing heart can be scary! They tend to create and foster anxiety. Issues with sexual performance or libido combined with fatigue can make a man feel depressed and “past his prime.”

So how do you break the news to your loved one that it’s time to look into SottoPelle? Here are a few ideas:

Let them know they aren’t alone! About half of 2,000 women surveyed (47%) reported having experienced the symptoms of hormone imbalance. While fewer studies have been done on men, it is well-documented that after age 40, men experience a slow but continuous decline in testosterone levels often triggering symptoms of hormone imbalance.

There’s no shame in it. The symptoms of hormone imbalance can be embarrassing, especially for men. Sexual dysfunction combined with extra weight, loss of muscle mass, and even gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) may not be something he wants to face. Let him know it’s not him… it’s his hormones. And there’s a safe, natural way to correct them.

It’s easy and convenient. The SottoPelle method makes hormone replacement as easy as a programmable thermostat– “set it and forget it!” The tiny pellet implants dissolve over time, delivering a steady, therapeutic dose of hormone into the bloodstream. There is no daily pill to take, cream to administer or patch to worry about. Feeling better couldn’t be more hands-off!

Give them the facts. If they aren’t sure if they are experiencing hormone imbalance, let them research it for themselves. They can visit our website, take our self-assessment, or browse our testimonials page. 

You want them to feel good about themselves again. Sometimes the mental and emotional toll hormone imbalance takes can be worse than the physical symptoms. Night sweats and fatigue are unpleasant, but anxiety and depression can be downright devastating. Let your partner know you love them, and you just want them to feel good again. And they can… with SottoPelle bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.