Physician Hormone Training:
6 Unusual Signs Your Patient May Have a Hormonal Imbalance

Physicians are seeing more patients come forward with signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Both males and females are seen every day in the clinical setting with complaints of low libido, loss of energy, hair thinning, fatigue and more.

As patients describe these complaints, it’s a clear indication that the physician should evaluate their lab levels and help to optimize their hormones. These commonly described issues are easy to identify and correlate with the root cause – a decline in hormone production.

But in some cases, patients may present with more unusual signs of hormonal imbalance. It can be frustrating for patients, and their physicians, to experience symptoms they desperately need relief from without understanding the reason for their issues. These less common symptoms can leave physicians grasping at straws to attempt to treat the patient.

Fortunately, our clinical BHRT experts at SottoPelle® can help physicians across the nation understand how to recognize and treat all signs of hormonal imbalance. The SottoPelle® physician hormone training method helps medical providers identify all indicators of hormonal imbalance and aids them in understanding the best treatment plan for optimizing their patient’s hormones.

Hormonal Imbalance Sign # 1: Joint Pain

As patients experience fluctuations in hormone levels, and ultimately a steep decline, they may experience joint pain. This is particularly true in female patients. As estrogen levels begin to decline during perimenopause, patients will notice an increase in swelling, stiffness, and pain.

As estrogen levels decline, and the patient has less estrogen receptors in their joints to protect bones and keep inflammation down, physicians may start to hear the first complaints of hormonal imbalance related joint pain. Due to decreased estrogen’s contribution to loss of bone density, female patients may also be up against osteoporosis.

Hormonal Imbalance Sign # 2: Dizziness

While researchers attribute dizziness secondary to hormonal imbalance to many different issues, it is undeniable that physicians may hear reports of dizziness during menopause and andropause.

Because hormones can affect male and female patients blood sugar levels, they may report dizziness. Other clinical factors contributing to dizziness may include hot flashes, and fatigue. Hormones also affect the inner ear and fluctuations in hormone levels may cause changes that lead to dizziness.

Hormonal Imbalance Sign # 3: Depression

As researchers continue to understand hormonal imbalance, there is now supporting data for the biological plausibility of hormones affecting the central nervous system. Estrogen and testosterone both influence the central nervous system, as it relates to both mood and depression.

Helping patients through bouts of depression is achievable with estrogen and testosterone supplementation. Testosterone and estrogen pellet therapy can help male and female patients overcome hormone-responsive depressive disorders.

Hormonal Imbalance Sign # 4: Brittle Nails

In some clinical studies, researchers suggest using nail health to understand that patient’s hormonal status. Healthy nails are hydrated nails. Estrogen has an important role in keeping the body hydrated, and one way for physicians to identify hormonal health over time is to check patients for dry, brittle nails.

It is suggested that DHEA and cortisol levels in the nail are a better indicator of hormone health over time and are a helpful biomarker in addition to blood tests.

Hormonal Imbalance Sign # 5: Panic Attacks

As patients experience hormonal surges, they may also experience panic attacks. These unexplained episodes can be scary, and patients will look to physicians for help, not fully understanding this may be a sign of menopause.

Decreases in hormone production are also linked to changes in cognitive function, which may also increase the likelihood of a panic attack.

Hormonal Imbalance Sign # 6: Digestive Problems 

Since hormones play a role in gut health, fluctuations in hormone levels can leave patients with digestive problems, including worsening IBS. Patients with hormonal fluctuations are more likely to experience bloating.

Hormones are a key player in the regulation of the digestive systems, and hormonal imbalance correlates with pain and inflammation in the gut. While both men and women can experience digestive issues secondary to hormonal imbalance, it is more common for women to be more impacted by these hormonal fluctuations.

Physician Hormone Training for Hormonal Imbalance

Research clearly indicates patients suffering from hormonal imbalance face a variety of unpleasant symptoms, both understood and researched symptoms and those that are less common. With the amount of clinical research on hormonal imbalance, it can be overwhelming for physicians to keep up with the most current best practices and treatment plans to help their patients experience relief from symptoms.

The experts at SottoPelle® have created a physician hormone training method to help medical providers understand how to identify and treat patients with testosterone and estrogen pellet therapy. With ongoing clinical support and continuing education, physicians will be supported in understanding effective, individualized dosing and ongoing patient management.

Call us today to enroll in a science-based physician hormone training program and help your patients find the balance they deserve!

Physician Hormone Training: 323.986.5100 (press 1)

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This article is provided as general information only and is not intended to be used as medical advice. While the benefits of hormone replacement are well documented through clinical research, we are not representing that hormone therapy is a “cure” for any disease. Only your treating physician can determine if hormone replacement may be a beneficial part of your healthcare regimen, based on your age, overall health, risk factors, and lifestyle.