Menopause hit me like a freight train at 50 years old!
It was as though my body had taken on a whole new set of rules that I wasn’t privy to, except to see and feel the miserable effects that resulted. I wanted me back, the version that ran smoothly like a well-oiled engine, not this one that kept back-firing and faltering daily.

Now at 57 years old, I'm blessed that my fifties were not robbed from me by the onslaught of menopause!

Now at 57 years old, I’m blessed that my fifties were not robbed from me by the onslaught of menopause!

Having always led an active life, it came as a shock when suddenly it took me two days to recover from a tennis match. Feeling sore, achy and stiff during and after exertive activity slowed me down, I had less energy and it became increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy weight. I wasn’t doing anything different, but my equilibrium was going haywire.

As for my nightly eight or nine hours sleep that I’d enjoyed my whole life… menopause had other plans for me and decided two hours would be sufficient after which I would toss and turn until daybreak. Lack of sleep was a sure-fire way to guarantee a short fuse in this gal, additionally I began to struggle with concentration, focus, and when the uncontrollable hot flashes began however momentary they were, I realized enough was enough. I was in no mood for this menopause malarkey!

I believe I have SottoPelle® to thank for helping improve my game in my fifties!

I believe I have SottoPelle® to thank for helping improve my game in my fifties!

As a lifelong proponent of fix the cause rather than mask it, I’m one of those annoying ‘holier than thou’ types when it comes to taking pills and medicine! So, I was apprehensive about hormone replacement therapy and naturally skeptical about claims many companies made for this pill or that cream to help with menopause. Besides, I didn’t want help with menopause, I wanted it annihilated!

I discovered a local company called SottoPelle® where women were filling the waiting rooms to see Dr Tutera MD, FACOG, the founder. As a pioneer in the use of all-natural plant-based bio-identical hormones, Dr Tutera developed his unique method of delivery, placing the pellets subcutaneously therefore providing the most effective and consistent distribution of hormones throughout the body.

The best thing to happen to my midlife... SottoPelle®!

The best thing to happen to my midlife… SottoPelle®!

Our body draws upon hormones as and when they are needed such as during sport or moments of anxiety for example. Therefore, digesting pills or rubbing on creams is not the most effective delivery method as it creates surges in the distribution. Having pellets placed just below the skins surface maintains a consistent level in the body and provides for moments when you may need more.

An important quality that sets SottoPelle® above the rest, is that it’s not a one size fits all solution. Everyone has different hormone levels and requirements. To ensure the optimum balance and correct levels are maintained, SottoPelle® regularly performs blood work for extensive hormone panels on each individual.

So, I bit the bullet, since I didn’t have to swallow a pill, and had the pellets submerged in my butt-cheek by way of a tiny incision, which is fully healed in three days and almost invisible in three weeks.

I don't feel any different to how I felt in my twenties and thirties, and I'm still enjoying the same antics!

I don’t feel any different to how I felt in my twenties and thirties, and I’m still enjoying the same antics!

Perhaps because I’m very active, circulation of the hormones took effect quickly. In less than a week my hot flushes had subsided altogether, my sleep pattern was returning to normal and an overall sense of wellbeing replaced the chaos and emotional ups and downs that had previously taken hold.

The most noticeable difference was my energy level and strength capability. I could handle the toughest tennis match and be out on a run the next day. With more energy, I decided to take on more exercise and began lifting small weights, something I’d never done before. The results were very encouraging as I developed muscles that I didn’t know I’d ever owned!

During menopause, if I got through a day without one or other of its symptoms, I thought I was having a good day, so after a while I forgot how normal used to feel. This included feeling sexy or wanting to have sex. I never really considered this a symptom of menopause, it had simply waned into a rarity, besides I was rather pre-occupied fanning myself down and trying not to bite someone’s head off to give it much consideration. After beginning SottoPelle® therapy that completely changed, and a normal sexual desire returned and has remained consistent to this day.

I'll have that smile off his face on the tennis court later ha ha!

I’ll have that smile off his face on the tennis court later ha ha!

It’s been six years that I’ve been using SottoPelle® therapy. I go every four months to have my pellets inserted which is the time interval that keeps my hormone balance stable. It has absolutely extended the best years of my life such that I can enjoy it in every aspect of fulfillment. I whole heartedly believe that it restored a quality of life that menopause was desperately trying to steal from me. It is not the fountain of youth, and as such the body still ages as the years roll on, but the way you feel doesn’t have to.

You can read more about SottoPelle® on their website: and click on the “Find a Doctor” button to locate a service provider near you. Please feel free to ask me any questions concerning this post or my experience by way of the Contact page and I will respond to you directly via email.

As always, thank you for stopping by

Karen xx

This is a sponsored post which I was delighted to write on account of my experience over the past six years. It is my pleasure to share this company that has been a faithful partner in restoring my life to normal.