Did you know that male testosterone production begins to diminish after the age of 30? In fact, by the time you reach midlife—usually between the ages of 40 and 55—you may have significant testosterone loss to the point that it’s impacting your health and well-being. Yet, after a lifelong, slow decline in testosterone levels, many men don’t even realize what’s happening to them. They think they are just getting older and often accept the setback in quality of life as their new norm. Or they begin taking medications for erectile dysfunction, depression and other issues, thinking that simply treating the symptoms is enough.
Frankly, it isn’t enough to just treat symptoms. Testosterone is needed for many body functions and has receptor cells throughout the body.

What are the symptoms of low testosterone?

You may be surprised to learn that men and women are not so different when it comes to hormone deficiency. They share many symptoms in common.

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of energy
  • Lack of motivation
  • Foggy thinking
  • Poor concentration
  • Loss of memory
  • Depression
  • Loss of muscle tone & mass
  • Decreased exercise tolerance
  • Prolonged recovery from exercise
  • No improvement with exercise
  • Weight gain in spite of exercise
  • Osteoporosis
  • Decreased sexual desire & drive
  • Decreased erectile function
  • Loss of cardiovascular protection
  • Higher LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol)
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Men can likewise suffer from hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings.

Another thing to keep in mind—you can have no symptoms at all but still be testosterone deficient. Andropause or Low T (as it is commonly called) affects each individual differently.

If you are experiencing many or even just one or two symptoms, it’s probably a good idea to consult with your doctor.

What are normal testosterone levels?

It’s important to understand what is meant by normal blood levels of testosterone. The standard lab range given for a healthy male in his late 20s/early 30s is said to be 700 to 1100 ng/dl. Each individual has his own ideal level within that range where he feels and performs at his best. According to a male aging study reported in 1991, total testosterone production for men between 30 and 70 years of age decreases by one to three percent per year, averaging approximately ten percent per decade.1

Given this drop in production, many physicians and laboratories skew the testosterone range to reflect “normal for your age.” They theorize that the older a man is, the lower his levels should be. For a 65 year old male, the “good” range is said to be between 250 to 1000 ng/dl.

Dr. Gino Tutera, the founder of SottoPelle®, spent many years treating men (and women) for low testosterone and found that the age-adjusted lower end of the male range was simply not sufficient to re-establish normal hormonal balance. He stated in his 2011 book, You Don’t Have To Live With It: The Science of Sottopelle®:

In fact, what can possibly be “normal” or “good” about having a level of even 350 ng/dl? Testosterone this low is the reason that many men feel tired, depressed, lack a sex drive and so forth. When the goal of hormone replacement is to replace what’s missing, that means raising testosterone to levels within the optimal range of younger years.2

Many physicians do not address homeostasis (internal equilibrium) or believe it is necessary for older men. In fact, the human body does need optimal physiologic blood levels of all of its hormones in order to function properly. There are abundant studies showing the beneficial effects of maintaining these ideal levels.3 This is what keeps you in a state of balance and creates the foundation for wellness.

Note: If blood labs indicate your total and free testosterone are on the low side, but your doctor is reluctant to provide testosterone replacement, it’s advisable to seek out a specialist. You need a doctor who understands the importance of restoring hormones to beneficial levels, preferably someone who is well-versed in the bioidentical pellet implant method. This type of hormone and method of delivery are known to provide the safest and most effective testosterone replacement available.

SottoPelle® BHRT Pellet Experts

SottoPelle® has specialized in BHRT using the pellet method longer than most. Our founder, Dr. Gino Tutera, developed the scientifically-based, proprietary method that makes us a leader in our field. We have a long history of success when it comes to balancing hormones and helping people take control of their lives and their health. In fact, we are honored to say that, according to Ranking Arizona, an annual consumer publication by AZ Big Media, our patients have voted us Arizona’s #1 Hormone Therapy Clinic for two years running.

Call Us Today!

Learn more about SottoPelle® at and then give us a call at (877) 473-5538 to schedule a consultation.


1Gray A, et al. Mass. Male Aging Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 1991; 73:1016-1025.
2Tutera Gino. “Understanding Andropause.” You Don’t Have To Live With It! The Science of SottoPelle®. Arizona: Scottsdale. 2011: 33-38.
3Stanworth RD, Jones TH. Testosterone for the aging male; current evidence and recommended practice. Clin Interv Aging; 2008;3(1):25-44.