Alice Beard PA-C
A 2002 graduate of the University of Florida, College of Medicine, Ms Beard immediately began
work in general medicine to expand here experience in all areas. Her early career focused on
ER and Internal Medicine. In 2005, Ms Beard initiated a Dermatology clinic within her Internal
Medicine clinic. This shifted her focus primarily into Dermatology & Dermatology research
where she excels today.
In 2015, while practicing adult and pediatric Dermatology Ms Beard noted a gap between
insurance covered medication & simple procedures that can help many clients. With this in
mind she form Premier Medical Spa. She actively she patients there now. Her passion is easing
chronic conditions and improving self esteem.
Prior to PA school, Ms Beard attend the University of Texas obtaining a degree in Psychology &
Spanish. She also worked as a 9-1-1 medic.