
You Don’t Have to Live With It!® Science of SottoPelle® Life Regained



¿Qué me está pasando?

¿Qué me está pasando? Testosterona, salud y calidad de vida Ha oído hablar de las mujeres que tienen bochornos y otros síntomas a medida que atraviesan el "cambio”, pero ¿y los hombres? La verdad es...

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La Importancia del Estrógeno

La Importancia del Estrógeno Salud y Calidad de Vida Las mujeres pasan al menos un tercio de su vida en postmenopausia. Piense en eso por un minuto. Una de las razones por las que las personas viven...

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¿Por qué escoger los pellets para el THS? Cuando hay tantas opciones disponibles para el reemplazo hormonal, ¿por qué es la terapia con implantes bioidénticos la mejor opción? ¿Por qué no una...

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Menopausia, hormonas y salud del corazón

Estudios recientes muestran que las mujeres están experimentando la menopausia a edades mucho más tempranas. A la edad de 40 años, la mayoría de las mujeres presentan niveles bajísimos de estrógeno,...

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Terapia de Reemplazo Hormonal

AUTOR: Dra. Silvia Cabrera Carpio La esperanza de vida ha aumentado, así que una buena parte de nuestra vida vivimos en menopausia. En las mujeres la disminución en la producción de hormonas como...

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Piel y envejecimiento

Tu piel dice cómo estás envejeciendo. El ADN de cada célula de tu cuerpo contiene una fecha de caducidad aproximada. Los extremos de cada molécula de ADN contienen telómeros protectores que se...

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Cáncer de mama y testosterona

Gracias a mejores tratamientos y pruebas diagnósticas, las mujeres con cáncer de mama viven hoy mucho más tiempo. Además, según un estudio publicado en 2013 en el Journal of Clinical Oncology, las...

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¿Qué es la menopausia masculina?

Ha oído hablar de las mujeres que tienen bochornos y otros síntomas a medida que atraviesan el "cambio”, pero ¿y los hombres? La verdad es que los niveles hormonales de los hombres disminuyen a...

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Hormonofobia y Desinformacion Los resultados derivados del estudio WHI (Woman Health Initiative), llevado a cabo en EE.UU. y publicados en 2002, desataron una verdadera tormenta sobre el colectivo...

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Why the SottoPelle® Hormone Method?

Advancements in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: A Comprehensive Review

Advancements in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: A Comprehensive Review

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) has garnered significant attention in recent research, revolutionizing hormone therapy with its personalized and precise approach1. This article delves into the latest news and scientific developments surrounding BHRT, shedding light on its numerous benefits for individuals seeking hormone balance.

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2023 in Review: Advancements in Hormone Replacement Therapy

2023 in Review: Advancements in Hormone Replacement Therapy

2023 marked a year of significant progress in the field of HRT. Research advancements, clinical trials, and increased awareness are paving the way for more personalized, effective, and accessible treatment options for physicians administering hormone replacement therapy to improve their patients’ health and quality of life.

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Physician Hormone Training: Can TBIs be Treated With Progesterone?

Physician Hormone Training: Can TBIs be Treated With Progesterone?

While progesterone has long been considered exclusively a female reproductive hormone, numerous studies now show that it has wide ranging neuroprotective properties in humans. In this article, we share some revelatory research on progesterone replacement therapy to improve neurological outcome after traumatic brain injury.

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Is Male Testosterone Deficiency Linked to Cardiovascular Disease?

Is Male Testosterone Deficiency Linked to Cardiovascular Disease?

After age 40, men’s testosterone levels will begin to decrease. This decrease is linked to an increase in mortality and cardiovascular risks, as well as a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease (CAD), and metabolic syndrome. Testosterone replacement can improve many of the cardiovascular diseases of older men.

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Grow Your Practice with Physician Hormone Therapy Training

Grow Your Practice with Physician Hormone Therapy Training

Over 116 million Americans, roughly 35% of the population, are aged 50 and over. And this will swell to 160 million by 2040, nearly 40% of the population. Preparing for this demographic revolution is a necessity for physicians who wish to better serve their patients’ needs in addition to growing their practice.

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Physician Hormone Therapy Training for Hypothyroidism

Physician Hormone Therapy Training for Hypothyroidism

While 1 in 300 persons in the U.S. suffers from hypothyroidism, it is often misdiagnosed. This is especially true menopausal women. Accurate physician identification of hypothyroidism is extremely important for developing an individualized treatment plan for patients.

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● The #1 Hormone Therapy Provider 5 Years in a Row!

● Innovators in hormone therapy since 1993

● Over 250,000 Happy Clients and Counting

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● Hundreds of doctors

Feeling great has
never been so easy.

You’re an original and unique. Our pellet therapy is tailored to each patient’s precise and individual needs. We use safe state of the art technology to provide you with personalized patient treatment and care. SottoPelle® helps you reconnect with the best you can be at any age.